Just finished watching "A Crude Awakening The Oil Crash" by Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormark a thought provoking documentary on the future of oil production. The documentary centers around questions about the history of oil, the use of oil then moves on to topics covering the growing demand for hydrocarbon based fossil fuels.
The filmmakers gather a broad series of perspectives in presenting their case for the point that we are running out of cheap easily recovered oil. The film consists with interviews with a number of experts including: former Oil executives, oil geologists, various academics and political advisers and takes the viewer on a journey across the world (e.g., Britain, China, India, Venezula, Russia, USA, and the Middle East). The film is an interesting journey covering the early discoveries of oil, through to the case of peak oil in the U.S. in terms including the definition of Hubbert's Peak (named after American geophysicist Marion King Hubbert).
This movie does what any good documentary should do which is to make you think critically and thoughtfully about the topic being addressed. In this case it leaves you with as many questions as answers including:
- What happens when its clear we've peaked in terms of discovering new oil?
- How do we best adapt to the reality that the era of cheap oil is coming to an end?
- Are the alternative energy sources being put forth a stop-gap or a clear alternative