I must admit I am eager to get my hands on Apple's next release of its operating system Leopard. I recently, upgraded my laptop to a Macbook Pro after using a white Macbook for the past year and was planning to wait until the release of Leopard but couldn't hold off on the upgrade. Since the demonstration of Leopard at MacWorld this summer providing a glimpse into the new functionality I've been eagerly awaiting this upgrade.
At this point the main items that I'm most interested in upgrading to take advantage of include:
- Stronger real-time back-up via TimeMachine aided by the new file system
- Improved processing and load times with a return to OS 9 speeds
- Enhancements to Mail
Mail 3.0
Time Machine
Finder 10.5
I also want to point out a good article from Blackfriars Marketing (a former Forrester analyst) with a passion for Apple who does a solid job outlining the ZFS file system inside Leopard.
Here is a great list of all 300 features in Leopard from Apple's site.
When Leopard launches which at this point remains rumored for October 26th at 6pm (makes sense since its a Friday night) I'll likely go and pickup a copy that night and migrate my Mac. A word of advice before attempting any upgrade make sure you have a full backup of all your files - in case things go wrong!
UPDATE - Looks like its official Macrumors just reported that the launch will be Friday Oct 26th @ 6pm