I'm a big fan of the videos that come out of the TED conference (see this post for background) and have been slowly working my way through their library of content. One vodcast that stood out for me from an impressive group of throught-provoking presentations from a variety of innovative and interesting individuals.
Is this presentation from Bill Stone titled "Journey to the center of the Earth and beyond!"
As with many TED videos it opens your mind to some interesting ideas and in this case discoveries.
He starts by providing perspective on some of the most extreme deep earth caving expeditions that have been undertaken on earth such as:
Prof. Stone then highlights the technologies that his expeditions have developed in order to safely enter and explore the last major unexplored locations on Earth (have a look at some of these photos).
What makes this presentation stand-out from the crowd is simply his BOLD and audacious goal that Prof. Stone lays out at the end of the video. I must admit that I was riveted for the last few minutes of this video as he outlines the potential of a unique mission to the Moon designed to prove that you can process and harness sufficient energy to return to Earth. He committs to his broader goal at the end of the presentation to lead this project.
I encourage you to watch the vodcast and think about what your own bold goal is...