Here are a couple of my top links that you should check-out if you're interested in learning more about the world.
First up At Google Talks basically this is an internal seminar series held within Google for its employees. The talks are with famous and interesting individuals covering a range of occupations including:
Authors (e.g., Michael Lewis, Michael Bloomberg, Jeffrey Toobin, Tom Brokaw, George Soros, Steve Wozniak)
Candidates (e.g., John Edwards, John McCain .....)
Musicians (e.g., Jose Gonzalez ...)
Needless to say very thought provoking and covers a wide range of topics. I have the feeling that I'm going to be very busy watching a bunch of these interviews over the next few weeks.
Second time to check-out TED. If you haven't heard about TED let me introduce you. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment & Design. The motto of TED is "Ideas worth spreading" and it also covers a range of topics from: Technology, Entertainment, Design, Business, Science, Culture, Arts, and Global Issues. TED is a non-profit organization that hosts a conference once a year for 1,000 attendees in Monterrey, California.